Multnomah Group

Money Markets Under Siege

A Multnomah Group Webinar 
March 29, 2016 

In 2014, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued new rules for further regulation of money market mutual funds. These rule changes were slated to be implemented gradually, however one of the primary changes will be to create new categories of government and retail money market funds.

In defined contribution plans, most plan sponsors are opting (both by choice and necessity) to transition to government money funds in their participant directed plans. While government funds will maintain many of the attributes participants have grown accustomed to, the current yield environment will make accumulating returns more challenging than ever before.

In addition, a new wave of class action lawsuits against plan sponsors are calling into question the suitability of money market as an asset class for defined contribution plans.

In this webinar, Erik Daley, CFA, reviews the pending changes in regulations and how clients can proactively make determinations regarding investment strategy. The following questions will be addressed:

  • What are the new money market regulations?
  • How will my money funds be impacted?
  • What role do cash equivalents plan in an effective defined contribution plan?
  • What are the alternatives to money market?
  • What steps should I take next?
  • How do I best document my decision making process?

Webinar recording

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About Multnomah Group

Multnomah Group provides fee-only retirement plan and investment consulting services to for-profit and tax exempt employers in the United States. Our firm's core competencies include investment consulting, vendor search, fiduciary governance, employee engagement, plan design, and fee benchmarking.