Multnomah Group

Webinar recordingFee Allocation:
How to Choose
Your Model

Here at Multnomah Group, we talk a lot about fees - from our guide to plan fees and expenses, to our look at recordkeeper revenue channels, as well as our annual benchmarking report to monitor fees and establish if those fees are reasonable in light of services rendered.

We also talk about how those recordkeeping fees are allocated. There are a wide variety of ways the fee for recordkeeping can be paid and the landscape continues to change as recordkeeping systems modernize. But which model is right for your plan?

During this webinar, we delve into the different fee allocations models and how to determine the right path for your retirement plan. 

We discuss:

  • How to allocate retirement plan fees to participants
  • How to determine what's fair for your participants
  • How transparency highlights the choices you make as plan fiduciaries


Webinar Recording

To view the webinar recording and the presentation materials, please fill out the form below.

About Multnomah Group

Multnomah Group provides fee-only retirement plan and investment consulting services to for-profit and tax-exempt employers in the United States. Our firm’s core competencies include investment consulting, vendor and plan management, and fiduciary governance.