
Thought leadership with plan fiduciary education in mind

Webinar Recording: Navigating Retirement Plan Transitions

Webinar Recording: Navigating Retirement Plan Transitions

Transitioning your retirement plan from one recordkeeper to another can be a complicated process. To help you navigate this process smoothly, our consultant, Breion Rollins, presented a webinar designed to assist you in successfully managing the challenges of recordkeeper transitions.

Webinar Recording: Retirement Plan Service Agreements

Webinar Recording: Retirement Plan Service Agreements

Are you navigating the complexities of retirement plan service agreements? Do you want to ensure you're equipped with the knowledge to understand how the contract operates and ERISA considerations, as well as gain tips on pre-contract preparations and contract review? Davis Wright Tremaine and Multnomah Group presented a joint webinar to help guide you through retirement plan service agreements.

Webinar Recording: Annual Fee Benchmarking Results

Webinar Recording: Annual Fee Benchmarking Results

Each year, we gather fee data from the different providers our clients utilize as recordkeepers for their plan(s). We compile the information and produce a report outlining the fees paid for recordkeeping the plan and benchmark those fees against peer group ranges.

Webinar Recording: ERISA Cybersecurity: Evolving Retirement Plan Risks and Responsibilities

Webinar Recording: ERISA Cybersecurity: Evolving Retirement Plan Risks and Responsibilities

Cybersecurity is an increasingly serious issue across all industries, and recent data breaches have shown that benefit plans, sponsors, and service providers are not immune to threats. Questions we receive from plan sponsors include: What do we need to be aware of to stay vigilant in our policies and procedures? What should we do if we are aware of a breach? What can we expect if we receive a DOL audit? This webinar offers guidance regarding ERISA plan fiduciary responsibilities concerning privacy, data security, and data breaches.

Webinar Recording: Retirement Plan Regulatory Update 2.0

Webinar Recording: Retirement Plan Regulatory Update 2.0

2022 ended with a lot of activity around retirement plan regulation. The Department of Labor issued its final rules related to the use of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations for retirement plan investment options. In addition, SECURE 2.0 was signed into law on December 29. Watch our webinar recording for an update on these substantive changes and their impact on retirement plans.