
Thought leadership with plan fiduciary education in mind

Case Studies

Multnomah Group reviewed our client, a large, well-known public higher education system that requested assistance in developing and implementing a new target date fund suite for its plan participants. This case study explains our process to find our client a satisfactory target date fund series.

Case Studies

This case study discusses the work we did for a small hospitality company whose retirement plan was being serviced by its payroll provider. The company was starting to feel frustrated with its plan operations.

Case Studies

This Case Study explores the challenges faced by small organizations in the management of their 401(k) retirement plans and how improved governance processes can address these issues.

Case Studies

The challenges facing 401(k) and 403(b) retirement plan sponsors to ensure the fees associated with their retirement plan are reasonable in light of the services rendered can seem daunting. It's a balancing act requiring a diligent vendor monitoring program. An example of the work we do to assist our clients in this fiduciary duty is outlined in this case study focused on fee benchmarking.

Case Studies

Each committee should establish a fundamental set of beliefs relative to the construction of an investment menu. To learn more about the work we have done to review our clients' investment positions and menu design, download our investment menu review case study.