
Thought leadership with plan fiduciary education in mind

White Papers

This year's annual Regulatory Update has significantly shifted from regulation to litigation. The last two publications focused largely on SECURE 2.0 provisions and their impact on retirement plans. SECURE 2.0 remains an active topic in our industry, as many mandatory and optional provisions continue to take effect. However, the litigation focused on plan sponsors and governmental agencies has taken the spotlight.

White Papers

Transitioning your retirement plan from one recordkeeper to another can be a complex and significant undertaking. In this guide, we will walk you through how to navigate the challenges of such transitions while offering best practices to ensure a seamless experience for both plan sponsors and participants.

White Papers

This guide seeks to describe, in simplified terms, the practices of effective and efficient retirement plan committees.

White Papers

Multnomah Group's annual Regulatory Update provides an overview of current legal and legislative events impacting the retirement plan and investment industry.

White Papers

Conducting a retirement plan audit is a requirement for large plan sponsors governed by ERISA. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can plan your audit effectively, gather all the necessary information, review plan operations thoroughly, and report your findings clearly, concisely, and effectively.

White Papers

This Guide explores fiduciary obligations under the ERISA, the role of the investment fiduciary under ERISA Section 404, and how some advisors? actions are now being challenged as unlawful in class action litigation.

White Papers

This guide begins with a look at why conducting a 401(k) or 403(b) recording keeping vendor search may be necessary to satisfy several of a plan sponsor's fiduciary duties under ERISA, followed by a discussion of the numerous practical benefits that result from a thorough vendor search.

White Papers

A plan sponsor resource breaking down SECURE 2.0 by effective date.

White Papers

Our annual Regulatory Update provides an overview of current legal and legislative events impacting the retirement plan and investment industry.

White Papers

Download our guide to help understand what the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) (and similar state laws) requires for retirement plans, how committees have typically functioned, and how committees will need to function to be successful and sustaining for years to come.

White Papers

We believe there are six areas where recordkeeping vendors have tried to monetize their relationship with retirement plans. This plan sponsor guide focuses on the fourth way of generating excess revenue ?Ž???????Ž??????Ÿ???Â????Ž??????Ÿ??cross-selling retail financial products. For plan sponsors, it is important to understand how recordkeepers cross-sell retail financial products and what the plan sponsor?Ž???????Ž??????Ÿ???Â????Ž??????Ÿ?Ž???????s obligation is to reduce or eliminate such cross-selling.

White Papers

This discussion guide is intended to help facilitate a retirement plan committee's review of the primary services offered by their recordkeeper(s).

White Papers

When it comes to conducting manager selection, it is the things unseen that are the key to having confidence in the manager's ability to outperform in the future. This short resource guide provides a look into how we conduct our investment manager due diligence.

White Papers

Our Fiduciary Education for Your Retirement or Investment Committee resource walks through the importance of continued fiduciary education for current and new committee members.

White Papers

Our "Best Practices for Managing a Retirement Plan Committee" plan sponsor resource walks though the most important items to address and follow in items in running and managing a retirement plan committee.

White Papers

Our retirement plan vendor conflicts resources help you identify, monitor, and avoid any conflicts with your plan's service providers + a worksheet to assist in asking the right questions about potential conflicts.

White Papers

Download our reporting to the board plan sponsor resource for a deep dive into what information needs to be reported to the Board + much more.

White Papers

Meeting minutes capture the discussion and decisions of the investment committee. Several sets of meeting minutes help weave together the story of the actions the committee has taken related to their retirement plan. Our resource walk through what plan sponsors should know about this documentation.

White Papers

A toolkit for plan sponsors to help understand what default investment options are available and why target date funds are the most popular.

White Papers

A toolkit for plan sponsors to better understand how to conduct a successful recordkeeping RFP.

White Papers

A dive into the history of QDIA and which type of QDIA might work best for your retirement plan.

White Papers

Read our in-depth look at target date fund glidepath ranges.

White Papers

Planning to conduct a recordkeeping vendor search? Here are the steps to follow for a best practice search.

White Papers

Eight review categories for plan sponsors to consider when conducting a recordkeeping RFP.

White Papers

When properly drafted and followed, an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) can be a valuable tool to assist plan fiduciaries in managing and mitigating investment-related risk. Read our quick review guide to learn what material you should and should not include in your IPS.

White Papers

While there is no specific format or technical language that an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) is required to include, there are some categories of content a plan sponsor might considering incorporating into a best practice IPS.

White Papers

Read our resource on the five categories of materials a plan sponsor should include in their fiduciary file.

White Papers

The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act was signed into law in December 2019 and contains provisions that seek to expand access to lifetime income within retirement plans. Review those provisions in our fact sheet.

White Papers

Plan sponsors should review the initiatives outlined within and consider how each initiative may/may not impact their plan(s).

White Papers

Generally, we believe there are five areas where recordkeeping vendors have tried to monetize their relationship with retirement plans: proprietary investment management, managed accounts, IRA rollovers, cross-selling retail financial products, and annuitization. In this paper, we take a closer look at each of these five approaches.

White Papers

In this paper, our investment analysts delve into how Multnomah Group conducts the investment manager due diligence that underlies our actively-managed fund recommendations. We cover how we construct actively-managed investment menus and evaluate investment management teams, philosophy and process, and portfolio construction and risk controls.

White Papers

In this white paper, we take an in-depth look at both 3(21) and 3(38) investment advisors and how to choose which one best suits your company's needs.

White Papers

Our goal for this guide is to provide a thorough overview of the categories of retirement plan fees and the specific services typically related to each expense for plan fiduciaries.

White Papers

This Guide seeks to review the current state of the retirement plan industry as it relates to standards of conduct that govern financial professionals.